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What is Hamas: Understanding the Conflict


In a recent development, Hamas, the Palestinian militant organization that governs the Gaza Strip, carried out a surprise assault on Israel. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation, delving into the conflict’s origins, key actors, and potential future scenarios.

What Happened?

On October 7th, at 6:30 a.m. in Israel, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) made an announcement, reporting that Hamas militants had launched approximately 2,200 rockets toward southern and central Israel. These rockets specifically targeted cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In contrast, Hamas itself claimed responsibility for a higher number, asserting that they had fired at least 5,000 rockets, all of which landed in southern and central Israel.

Death Toll Rises:

  • There were over 1,300 casualties amid heavy Hamas-Israel fighting.
  • Israel reports 800 dead and more than 2,200 wounded.
  • 510 Palestinians were killed and 2,751 were wounded in Israeli air raids.
  • Over 123,000 Palestinians were displaced due to intense bombardment.

Israeli Response:

  • Israel declared a state of war.
  • Israel imposes a “total blockade” on Gaza, cutting off essentials.
  • The Israeli military hit over 1,000 Gaza targets, destroying towns.
  • Hamas fighters infiltrate Israeli kibbutzs; Israel calls up 300,000 reservists.
  • Aim to end Hamas rule in Gaza; offensive operations are ongoing.

Massacre at the Desert Dance Party:

  • Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad hold over 130 captives.
  • Captives include soldiers, civilians, women, children, and older adults.
  • Demanding the release of thousands of Palestinians imprisoned by Israel.

What is Hamas?

Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It is firmly committed to the destruction of Israel. They have engaged in multiple conflicts with the country since it came to power in Gaza in 2007. These conflicts have included the firing of thousands of rockets at Israel and the orchestration of deadly attacks. In response, Israel has conducted airstrikes and, in cooperation with Egypt, imposed a blockade on Gaza since 2007, citing security concerns.

History of Hamas

Hamas, officially known as the Islamic Resistance Movement, has a history deeply tied to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It was established in 1987 during the First Intifada, which was a Palestinian uprising against Israeli control in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

The people who started Hamas, like Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, had two main reasons for what they fought for. First, they were deeply religious and believed in certain things very strongly. Second, they wanted Palestinians to have their own country and be free and independent.

Principles of Hamas

Hamas has a unique ideology that combines Palestinian nationalism with Islamic principles. This ideology is outlined in its 1988 charter, which sets the goal of establishing an Islamic state in historic Palestine. Importantly, this charter rejects the existence of Israel and emphasizes the use of armed resistance to achieve its objectives. It serves as a foundational document outlining Hamas’s core principles and goals.

Hamas became popular among Palestinians by providing essential social services like schools, hospitals, and welfare programs. These services addressed the needs of the people, especially when the Palestinian Authority (PA) faced challenges in delivering them. However, tensions between the Fatah-led PA and Hamas escalated over time.

In 2007, these tensions reached a breaking point, leading to a violent takeover of the Gaza Strip by Hamas. This division resulted in the creation of two separate Palestinian regions. Fatah continued to govern the West Bank, while Gaza came under Hamas’s authority. This separation led to distinct governance structures and political dynamics in these two areas.

Conflict Between Hamas and Israel

Over the years, Hamas has been involved in several armed conflicts with Israel. These conflicts occurred during the years 2008-2009, 2012, and 2014. During these wars, Hamas fired many rockets into Israel, which led to Israel responding with airstrikes. It’s important to note that many countries, including Israel, the United States, the European Union, and others, consider Hamas a terrorist organization. This classification is due to its use of violence and its refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

Hamas has not only been involved in armed conflicts but has also taken part in politics. In 2006, it won elections for the Palestinian legislative body. So, this victory allowed Hamas to briefly control the Palestinian Authority, but this led to a division with Fatah.

There were efforts to bring Fatah and Hamas together and unite the Palestinian territories. However, these attempts failed to unite them because of long-standing divisions and a lack of trust between the two groups.

Hamas of Gaza Strip

Difficulties of Hamas in the Gaza Strip

At present, Hamas is in control of the Gaza Strip. However, this leadership role comes with difficulties as it tries to govern the area and provide essential services to its people. Hamas faces ongoing conflicts and blockades that further complicate its ability to manage the region effectively.

Over time, Hamas has adapted its strategies. It has explored diplomatic approaches and entered into ceasefires with Israel as part of efforts to find peaceful solutions to the ongoing conflicts. The situation has become more complicated as a result of Hamas’s struggles with more radical groups operating within Gaza.

Hamas has a complex history closely connected to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Its actions and decisions have a significant impact on the broader Middle East region. This makes it an important player in this ongoing struggle for peace and stability.

What is the Gaza Strip?

The Gaza Strip is a slender piece of land situated between Israel, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea. It stretches about 41 kilometers (25 miles) in length and is approximately 10 kilometers wide. This relatively small area is home to a substantial population of around 2.3 million people. The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated regions in the world.

Life in the Gaza Strip

Israel maintains authority over Gaza’s airspace and shoreline. They also supervise the flow of goods and people through border crossings. Egypt plays a similar role in managing its border with Gaza. It’s essential to note that a significant portion, approximately 80%, of Gaza’s population depends on international assistance for their basic needs. Approximately one million individuals rely on daily food assistance, according to information from the United Nations.

The context of Palestine

In the past, the areas known as the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and Israel were all part of a larger region called Palestine. This region has significant historical and cultural significance for both Palestinians and Jews. Even though Israel declared itself a state in 1948, some people who do not acknowledge Israel’s right to exist still use the name “Palestine.” Additionally, Palestinians often use the term “Palestine” as a way to refer to the collective areas of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem.

Why are Israel and Hamas in conflict?

Israel and Hamas have been in conflict for some time. However, a recent turn of events saw Hamas militants launch a surprise attack on Israel. They fired numerous rockets at Israel and breached the border, entering Israeli communities. This action resulted in civilian injuries and the taking of hostages. In response, Israel swiftly carried out airstrikes, targeting areas where the militants were situated in Gaza.

This attack by Hamas holds significance as it represents one of their most ambitious moves in years and one of the largest attacks on Israel in a long time. Notably, Hamas fighters succeeded in breaching multiple points along the Gaza-Israel border. Importantly, this assault occurred on a date of special importance to Hamas, as it marks the 50th anniversary of a surprise attack by Egypt and Syria in 1973, which holds particular significance for the group.

Mossad Failed to Anticipate the Assault of Hamas

Some experts view this as a lapse in intelligence on Israel’s part. Even though Israel possesses significant resources, including intelligence agencies like Shin Bet and Mossad, it appears they didn’t anticipate or respond to this threat effectively. Israel has an extensive surveillance system along the Gaza-Israel border, which makes this situation even more puzzling.

What lies ahead?

Hamas’ military leader, Mohammed Deif, has requested assistance from Palestinians and Arabs in their fight against Israeli control. Israel is preparing for a potential conflict on multiple fronts, potentially involving Hezbollah.

Recent missile launches by Hezbollah in northern Israel suggest the conflict might escalate. Israel has deployed more troops and is considering launching a ground operation in Gaza.

The world will closely monitor Palestinians’ responses and the future course of events, which could depend on ground developments and diplomatic initiatives.


The recent assault by Hamas on Israel has raised significant concerns. So, it has the potential to lead to broader regional tensions in the Middle East. Understanding the background, key players, and potential consequences of this conflict is essential to comprehending the ongoing dynamics in the Middle East.

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