The Kaziranga National Park is situated on the edge of the Golaghat and Nagaon district of Assam, India, two of the Eastern Himalayan region's biodiversity hotspots.  There are over 2200 Indian one-horned rhinoceros roam freely.

Nature's Paradise: Kaziranga National Park, Assam 

Encounter the world's largest population of one-horned rhinos, majestic elephants, and elusive tigers in their natural habitat. 

Wildlife Wonderland 

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Dive into the park's rich biodiversity with over 35 species of mammals and numerous bird species, creating an awe-inspiring ecosystem. 

Unveiling Biodiversity 

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Traverse through expansive grasslands and thriving wetlands that house an array of flora and fauna unique to this region. 

Grasslands and Wetlands 

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Discover the park's diverse aquatic life as you explore the Brahmaputra River, home to playful dolphins and serene riverine landscapes. 

River Adventures 

Image Credit: Google

Learn about the park's dedicated efforts in conservation, ensuring the survival of endangered species and their habitats. 

Conservation Success

Image Credit: Google

Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of Assam's indigenous communities that harmoniously coexist with the wilderness. 

Cultural Melting Pot

Image Credit: Google

Experience the thrill of jeep and elephant safaris, where every turn brings you closer to the heart of the jungle. 

Safari Spectacle 

Image Credit: Google

Capture breathtaking moments as you witness the sun-kissed landscapes, dramatic skies, and captivating wildlife through your lens. 

Photographer's Paradise 

Image Credit: Unsplash

Kaziranga's legacy as a UNESCO World Heritage Site ensures its preservation for future generations to cherish and protect. 

Preserving for Posterity 

Image Credit: Unsplash