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5 reasons, why dry fruits or nuts are the best foods

Science says dry fruits or nuts are essential foods that can protect our health.

According to science, dry fruits like nuts are little gems that can protect our health from a variety of diseases. Nowadays, most people are used to having ready-made, easily accessible junk foods as a snack. Those cheap meals are bad for our health in a number of ways, but nature is teeming with amazing treasures like nuts that might sate our hunger as well as shield us from harmful diseases. Whenever we discuss nuts or dry fruits that usually come to our minds are peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pasta, pecans, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia, etc.

What science says about nuts

Over the years we are hearing dry fruits like nuts are rich in essential vitamins and minerals to fight against diseases but to prove the saying science has given enough scientific reasons also. Reports suggest nuts help in reducing bad fats from our body and lower the levels of LDL cholesterol and higher the levels of HDL cholesterol. Nuts can protect men from dying suddenly because of heart attack. Women can also protect their bodies from heart attacks by eating nuts regularly. Generally, women often suffer from Type 2 Diabetes but regularly consume of nuts can reduce such diabetes by nearly 30%.

Additionally, according to science, the vitamin E found in walnuts and pecans can reduce the risk of developing prostate and lung cancer. Free radicals are the primary cause of the development of malignant cells in our bodies, but walnuts contain the hormone melatonin, which eliminates free radicals already present in our systems. Selenium, an antioxidant found in some nuts, helps combat free radicals and supports the maintenance of a healthy body to defend against cardiovascular illnesses.

5 good reasons to eat dry fruits

Collection of dry fruits

Reason 1

Fighting against cancer

Nuts like walnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts can slowing the growth of cancer cells. Study suggests the nuts’ hormones can destroy free radicals that cause some cancers.

Reason 2

Lowering bad fats or bad cholesterol

Almonds and other types of nuts are great to have on your regular menu in place of other unhealthy snacks. These nuts are filled with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Because they can increase HDL or good cholesterol levels and lower LDL or bad cholesterol levels, these fats are viewed as being healthy or excellent for you.

Reason 3

Combat cardiovascular diseases or CVD

Nuts can be a wonderful food choice for preventing heart disease, according to science. When LDL builds up in your body, it can seriously harm your organs, especially your heart. LDL levels, or bad cholesterol, narrow your blood arteries, preventing enough blood from reaching your heart and other organs. The fats in nuts, however, can raise the HDL level, which can absorb cholesterol and deliver it to the liver. A simple removal of cholesterol from the body by the liver reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Reason 4

Keeping diabetes at bay

According to projections, there would be 643 million diabetes worldwide by 2030 and 783 million by 2045 and diabetes is directly responsible for 1.5 million fatalities per year worldwide, as per W.H.O. reports. To protect our bodies from such a dangerous disease we must keep focusing on healthier diets on a regular basis. Basically, when our bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to combat excess glucose or sugar cause diabetes Type 1 or Type 2.

The good news is that nature can provide little gems in the form of nuts which can control the stability of glucose and insulin levels quite effectively. Peanuts and walnuts can be a great pick having enough amount of good fats and essential vitamins and minerals that can easily make a balance between glucose and insulin levels preventing our bodies from diabetes.

Reason 5

Keeping us slim and fit

Everyone wants to be thin and fit, but nuts can be a great friend to help you get in shape. Brazil nuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts, macadamia, cashews, and other types of nuts are loaded with fibre and other important elements that help the body absorb fats and regulate metabolism. We can have a fat-free, thin, and healthy body when our levels of metabolism and fat absorption are under control.

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